Ghrelin and leptin are two hormones involved in regulating appetite. These hormones influence the feeling of satiety and hunger, playing a significant role in regulating the energy balance of the human body. What is the connection between ghrelin and leptin? Ghrelin is a hormone produced in the gut. It is often termed the hunger hormone. It travels through your bloodstream and to your brain, where it tells your brain to become hungry and seek out food. Ghrelin's main function is to increase appetite. Leptin is a hormone created by fat cells - it has the role of reducing the appetite.

With the help of Dr. Yee, you can find a weight management program that is just right for you. This may include consultation with a registered nutritionist, tailored graded exercise program as well as medications that help modulate hormones that causes hunger and fullness in the body.

In the individual who has severe obesity or obesity with co-existing risk factors, stomach reducing surgery can be considered with a local bariatric surgeon.